Crebilly Farm Update 5/5/18

Dear Friends,

Just a quick update to inform all of you there is no new significant news at this time other than Toll filed their brief in support of their appeal this past Wednesday, May 2nd.  All other parties to the appeal, including the township, must file their briefs by May 31st.  Once all the briefs are filed, it is likely the Court will schedule a date for argument.  In the meantime, my hope is the BOS and local conservancies are investigating all other options available.


Special thanks to our County Commissioners and their land preservation efforts; in case you missed this article from the Daily Local, here it is:


As always, I will let you know when I learn more.  Enjoy the month of May… Springtime has finally made its way here!  I will check in again later this Month.


Mindy Rhodes

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