Crebilly Farm Update 12/23/20

Dear Friends,

Special thanks to those who participated in last week’s Conditional Use hearing by attending virtually.  I believe the number was somewhere around 60 people.  Please mark your calendars for the next Conditional Use hearing regarding Crebilly II/Toll Brothers, to be held virtually:  


Last week’s Conditional Use hearing completed the questioning by the Westtown Township Board of Supervisors of Toll Brother’s project manager, Jeff Madden.  Chair of the BOS, Richard Pomerantz, questioned Madden’s knowledge of the Crebilly tract itself, specifically asking if he was aware of the significant history and nature there.  Pomerantz also questioned the safety and welfare of future families and children, should the land be developed, and a collector road is built.  Pomerantz questioned how Mr. Madden would be able to address such important concerns ‘after the fact.’  “I can’t speak to the safety of children playing on the collector road” was Madden’s response to Pomerantz’s concern over the increased traffic a development of such magnitude will bring to the community.  It was sad to hear how little Mr. Madden seemed to care about the safety of future families.  It was equally disappointing to hear how little Mr. Madden seemed to know or care about the invaluable Revolutionary War history on Crebilly Farm.  It was a crystal clear example of thoughtless development planning.

In case you missed the latest Conditional Use hearing #7, here is the link to view the video:

Next month’s Conditional Use hearing will continue with Westtown Township’s Planning Commission engineering expert, Robert E. Flinchbaug, and the cross examination by Toll solicitor, Greg Adelman.  Mr. Flinchbaug raises concerns over insufficient stormwater management; please see the attached review letter:

Here is the latest Chadds Ford Live article, which gives a good explanation of next month’s subject matter:

As I close this update, and together we close what has been a long, tough year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for continuing to remain engaged, not just with Crebilly Farm, but with life.  I have no doubt we are all doing the best we can under the circumstances.  We are waking up and putting one foot in front of the other.  As I try to shake my own disappointment of a year’s worth of unmet expectations, I remind myself how lucky I am to have my health and loved ones who care, no matter how far away they may be.  All that really matters, I suppose.   

Merry Christmas… and may the new year bring you continued good health and love.


Mindy Rhodes

3 thoughts on “Crebilly Farm Update 12/23/20

  1. Thank you for all your support the Westtown community has given to save this land. I want to cry reading how callus land developers are towards such a historic part of history. At any rate DON’T STOP FIGHTING

    Merry Christmas to All!!


  2. Thanks for all you do and for keeping us informed. I wish you happy holidays and all the best for the New Year. Unfortunately I will miss the next meeting, but hope for the best.


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